Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ivan's Secrects concept work

Over the past month or so I have been hard at work changing almost everything that I had done in the past for the look of Ivan's Secrets. Originally it was going to be a Half Life 2 mod that was to be released for free. Now it has grown and turned into an indie game that uses the Crytek 3 engine and will be released via Steam for a retail (undetermined) price some time within the next year or so.

So far my job is to create everything that doesn't involve the UI. So lets roll down the list: character designs (4 factions at 4 unite types each), weapons, monsters, items, environments, etc. Hello Carpel Tunnel? To sum it up: pretty much anything that people will see (save for the UI) will have been thought up and designed out by yours truly. So if it looks like crap, that'll be my fault, but if it looks great; I will take your praise and expect to have your first born son named after me...or your next's choice.

Enough with the ramblings of a mad man, heres some pretty pictures for the scan-then-stop-on-pix types

Funeral Dirge Morgana (League of Legends fan art)

One of my favorite support/AP carry champions in League of Legends is Morgana. So I decided to make a skin and submit it to the Summoner Showcase. Many weeks later it was featured.
and here is the you tube video of the Summoner Showcase where it was featured

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

New personal work

I was inspired for this while playing on a Minecraft server. My friend built a castle in a forest near my place. I was was walking there one morning and decided to paint what it would look like in high resolution.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Monday, November 22, 2010


Its been too long since I posted anything new.
I designed an environment and then built it using Source SDK to see how it would look in the game.
Looter character design for Ivan's Secrets

Friday, June 11, 2010

Risk Letter EP Album Art!

Here it is finally! Awhile back I made friends with Kelsey Snider, she is a fledgling musician and singer. She asked me to do the artwork for her album and after release delays I can finally show off the finished product:
 I take no credit in the logo, she created it herself.

The album will be out soon!